D3.3: Multilingual Stylometry Showcase

Introduction to the Visualization

Welcome to our Multilingual Stylometry Visualization, a showcase designed for academics, linguists, and digital humanities scholars exploring the intersection of language, corpus composition, and stylometric methods of authorship attribution. This visualization uses a curated dataset from the ELTeC corpus, including texts in English, French, Hungarian, and Ukrainian, each translated to facilitate comparative analysis across languages. By presenting stylometric analysis through interactive heatmaps, our tool invites users to engage directly with the data, exploring how linguistic features and corpus characteristics influence the identification of authorial style.

Targeted at researchers and educators, this research serves as a bridge between theoretical inquiry and practical analysis, offering insights into the dual influence of language and corpus composition on stylometric outcomes. It supports the primary research question of determining the extent and conditions under which these factors affect authorship attribution, thereby contributing to the broader discourse on Computational Literary Studies.

Research Question


How to Use the Visualization

What the Visualization Shows

Further Background Information